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- みんなの日本語初級I 第2版 本冊. Minna no Nihongo...
みんなの日本語初級I 第2版 本冊. Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I Dai 2-Han Honsatsu. Minna no Nihongo Elementary I Second Edition Main Text
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다운로드된 파일들의 품질이 어떻습니까?
Since it was first published in 1998, Minna no Nihongo has been a long-selling and classic textbook for both teachers and learners of Japanese alike. Now the series has been reborn in this second edition, with the vocabulary and conversational settings being revised (words that have gone out of usage have been replaced with new expressions frequently in use, and conversational settings have also been updated), and a CD of the dialogues and exercises included with the book. Illustrations for use in reviewing have also been increased. The grammar syllabus is basically the same, however, allowing for a smooth transition for teachers.
While these books are not meant as a study aid for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, upon completion of book one, the student is roughly at the N5 level of the Test, and upon completion of book two, the N4 level.
For those without access to a CD player, the audio content on the CDs accompanying the main texts can be streamed or downloaded at the following sites:
Main Text I: http://www.3anet.co.jp/ja/6510
While these books are not meant as a study aid for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, upon completion of book one, the student is roughly at the N5 level of the Test, and upon completion of book two, the N4 level.
For those without access to a CD player, the audio content on the CDs accompanying the main texts can be streamed or downloaded at the following sites:
Main Text I: http://www.3anet.co.jp/ja/6510
Content Type:
3A Corporation
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
PDF, 53.56 MB
개인 태그:
CID , CID Blake2b
japanese, 2012
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